Petrolia CISD School Health Advisory (SHAC) Bylaws
Vision: The Petrolia Consolidated ISD SHAC envisions a future where healthy lifestyle, knowledge and practices are integrated through the Petrolia community to assist students and their families to achieve their highest potential.
Mission: The Petrolia Consolidated ISD SHAC strives to improve performance through health education, practices, and promotion of healthy behavior to empower students, staff and community members to achieve physical and mental health and wellness.
Goal: The goal of the Petrolia Consolidated ISD is to advise and advocate to the School Board of Trustees and administration that our children are provided with accurate, relevant and age-appropriate school programs that will empower them to pursue life-long physical and emotional health and wellness.
Article I. Authority
Section One:
Statute and Policy
Each school district in the state of Texas is required in Chapter 28, Subchapter A-K, and Chapter 38.013 of the Texas Education Code, to establish and maintain a district-level school health advisory council. The School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) of the Petrolia Consolidated Independent School District is specifically authorized by the Board of Trustees in District policy BDF (legal), EFAA (legal), EHAA (legal), EHAB (legal), and FFA (Local).
Section Two:
The SHAC shall be an advisory body, and shall serve to provide guidance, counsel, and other assistance to the Board of Trustees as is specifically listed in state law and District policy. The SHAC shall have no power to expend public funds, enter into contracts, or otherwise place obligation or liability upon the district.
Section Three:
It shall be the responsibility of the Board of Trustees, upon advice and counsel of the SHAC, to establish and amend the Bylaws. Bylaws must be consistent with state law and District policies concerning SHACs.
Article II. Responsibilities
According to state law, District policy, and the direction of the Board of Trustees, the SHAC shall have the following responsibilities:
To hold regular meetings.
To meet at least annually with the Board of Trustees and on an as needed basis.
To advise and consult with district Curriculum and Instruction department in the development of a comprehensive health education curriculum.
To provide advise and recommendations / counsel prior to decisions pertaining to the areas of health education curriculum appropriate for specific grade levels that may include a coordinated school health program designed to prevent obesity, cardiovascular disease, and Type II diabetes through coordination of: health education, physical education, nutritional services, parental involvement, staff wellness, environmental health, mental / emotional wellness, and health services.
To consult regularly with the superintendent and his / her administration regarding the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the district coordinated school health (CSH) program.
To approve the district CSH program, subject to adoption by the Board of Trustees.
To consult with the superintendent and his / her administration in advance of submitting issues, concerns, reports and recommendations to the Board of Trustees.
To provide an annual report to the Board of Trustees on or before June 30th of each year.
Article III. Officers
Section One:
Terms of Service
The SHAC shall be Chaired by the school nurse or another employee appointed by the Board of Trustees. The SHAC shall elect a Co-Chair and Secretary, each to serve a two-year term (or one-year term if they so choose). Elected Officers may not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. Elected Officers will be selected in May and installed at the first meeting of the school year. The Co-Chair must be a parent or legal guardian of currently enrolled Petrolia Consolidated ISD student. No elected officer shall be an employee of PCISD if parent able and willing to hold office.
Section Two:
The responsibilities of the Chair shall be to:
Preside at all meetings of the SHAC.
Appoint members and committees as necessary.
Serve an ex officio member of all committees without vote, except the nominating committee.
Work directly with the Executive Committee to compile agendas for all SHAC meetings.
Perform other responsibilities as may be prescribed by the SHAC, which are in accordance with SHAC’s authorizing state, district policy, and direction of the Board.
The responsibilities of the Co-Chair shall be to:
Preside at SHAC meetings in the absence of the Chair.
Serve an ex officio member of all committees without vote, except the nominating committee.
Perform other responsibilities as may be prescribed by the SHAC, which are in accordance with SHAC’s authorizing statute, District policy, and direction of the Board.
The responsibilities of the secretary shall be to:
Preside at meetings when both the Chair and Co-Chair are absent.
Work with the Chair to prepare meeting notices, minutes, and arrange the location of the SHAC meetings. Minutes of the meeting should be submitted to the Chair within 7 days of the meeting.
Perform other responsibilities as may be prescribed by the SHAC, which are in accordance with SHAC’s authorizing state, District policy, and direction of the Board.
Article IV. Committee
Section One:
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of officers, chairs of all standing committees, with the immediate Past Chair serving in an advisory capacity.
Section Two:
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall be a Standing Committee, as membership allows, consisting of a minimum of 3 members (must be an odd number of members) of the SHAC serving two-year terms beginning August 1st of odd-numbered years. Nominating Committee members shall be appointed by the Chair in consultation with the Executive Committee and confirmed by the SHAC. The Past Chair shall oversee the nominating committee. The nominating committee will be responsible for filing SHAC officer vacancies.
Section Three
Standing Committee
There will be one standing committee for each of the following substantive areas: Nutrition / Food Service, Physical Education and Physical Activity, Health Education, Counseling / Social Work / Psychological Services / Mental Health, Parent and Community involvement, Environment / School Safety, Staff Wellness. (If at any time the SHAC membership determines a need to combine committees to better meet the needs of the SHAC, it has the authority to do so. In addition, not all of these committees are required to be active at all times. Activity will be based on student needs and at the discretion of the SHAC.) All committee chairs shall report directly to the SHAC through the Executive Committee, Chair, and Co-Chair.
The Co-Chair shall oversee the activities of all standing committees. The Co-Chair shall ensure that all functions within the committee are fulfilled.
Each committee chair shall be appointed by the Chair with the advice of the Co-Chair, and the composition of each committee shall be as approved by the Executive Committee.
Each committee chair, subject to approval of the Chair, may appoint the members of their committee, designate subcommittees and appoint their subcommittee chairs and members.
Each committee chair shall determine the term of office of its subcommittee members. For each committee established jointly with other organizations, the Executive Committee shall approve the manner in which its chair, its members, and subcommittees, and the terms of office of individuals serving on the committee of subcommittees are determined.
Standing committees serve the SHAC’s decision-making process. They are the focal point for SHAC activity. Broad community participation is sought for committees. They gather information, analyze available data, make recommendations into action items for a SHAC vote.
Standing committee members are not required to be SHAC members. PCISD employees may be appointed to committees. School Health Services staff may also be appointed to committees.
The Co-Chair will serve as a resource for all committees.
Committee chairs will be members of the SHAC. If the committee chair is not a parent of a PCISD student, a parent will be designated as Co-Chair.
Committees should strive for representation reflecting the diversity of the community serves by PCISD.
Standing committees should be comprised of at least three members.
Section Four:
Ad Hoc Committees
The Chair may establish and appoint Ad Hoc committees, as he / she deems necessary and appropriate in consultation with the Executive Committee.
Article V. Membership
Section One:
Membership Criteria
The membership composition of the SHAC shall comply with the following:
To be eligible to serve on the council a person must live within the PCISD community, work for PCISD, or be the parent or legal guardian of child(ren) that attend PCISD.
The majority of SHAC membership will consist of parents of students currently enrolled in the District, who are not employed by PCISD.
Members must attend the majority of SHAC meetings within the school year to remain a member.
Any person, meeting the requirements above and expressing a desire to join SHAC by turning in an application will be considered and once official will officially be adopted as such by the Board.
Membership of the SHAC shall strive to reflect the geographic, ethnic, gender, and economic diversity of the District.
Student membership is encouraged and welcomed.
The Board of Trustees may also appoint one or more persons from each of the following groups: teachers, administrators, district students, health care professionals, business community, law enforcement, senior citizens, clergy and nonprofit health organizations.
The Superintendent or designee shall serve in ex-officio (non-voting) capacity.
A representative of the Board of Trustees shall serve in ex-officio (non-voting) capacity.
Section Two:
Terms of Service
The term of service for an appointment shall be 2 years, normally beginning August 1st of odd-numbered years. Terms will be staggered to maintain continuity of the SHAC (after the completion of the initial appointment year). Parents and community members will serve a two-year appointment with the option of a one-year commitment if need be. Members may serve multiple terms without limitation.
Section Three:
If for any reason a council member is unable to fulfill the obligation to the council, he / she may resign with written notice to the chair giving the Executive committee and staff facilitators at least 60 days to find a replacement. Replacement members will serve out the remainder of the term for the member that was replaced. The Board of Trustees delegated to the SHAC Executive Committee the responsibility of filling any vacancies that may occur after the Board has annually appointed the SHAC membership. The SHAC Executive Committee shall notify the Board of Trustees when vacancies are filled in such situations.
Section Four:
Conflict of Interest
No individual shall be nominated for or hold a position on the SHAC if that individual has a direct monetary interest in the recommendations of that committee and decisions to the Board of Trustees. Even the appearance of a conflict of interest should be avoided, if at all possible. A lone agenda item shall not be cause for the elimination of an individual’s membership; however, any such individual shall refrain from participation in decisions and voting on that specific issue in question.
Section Five:
Size of council
The SHAC council will consist of no more than 40 members and no less than 10 members.
Article VI. Meetings
Section One:
Regular Meetings
The SHAC shall conduct a minimum of four regular meetings per year. If a meeting is cancelled, all attempts will be made to reschedule. The first meeting shall be held after the beginning of the school year.
Section Two:
A quorum shall be the majority of the current membership, as approved by the Board of Trustees. Meetings may still be held without a quorum for the purposes of presentations or discussion. However, no actions or voting may take place without a quorum.
Section Three:
Member attendance shall be monitored by the Chairs, who shall work with members to try and resolve any attendance problems. Non-attendance for three consecutive meetings within a one-year period may result in removal. Members are encouraged to contact the Chair if they know they cannot attend a meeting.
Section Four:
Members shall attempt to reach decisions by consensus. However, if a clear consensus cannot be obtained, members shall reach a decision by the majority vote. Each member shall be entitled to one vote per item. Proxy voting and absentee ballots shall not be permitted; a member must be present to vote. Members of the SHAC that hold a District-level position with PCISD will be a non-voting member. Those members that work at the campus level may vote.
Section Five:
Agendas shall be provided for all SHAC meetings. Agenda items shall be determined by the Chair / Co-Chair in consultation with the Executive Committee.
Article VII. Communications
Section One:
External Communications
The SHAC will have a webpage on the PCISD website. Meeting times and agendas will be posted to the website in advance of the meetings. Minutes will be posted on the PCISD website after approval. Minutes of the meeting will be kept on file with PCISD nurse. Notification of meetings will be sent by email unless otherwise specified by a committee member.